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5027 resources. Showing results 1 through 10.
Uploaded UploadedA Birthday Party for a Sacred Text: The Gita Jayanti and the Embodiment of God as the Book and the Book as God
UploadedHughes & McCutcheon/R5M, 53. Are Eastern religions as connected to violence as Western religions seem to be?
UploadedA Note on the Term Theravada
UploadedA Study of a Korean Kindergarten’s use of Buddhist-Oriented ‘Meditation Art Projects’ to Increase Creative art Expression in Painting
UploadedAntes/Contemporary Views, 31. Salvific Space and Religious Pluralism
UploadedWelch & Whitehead/Religion and Touch, 5. Being There
UploadedBroken Buddhas and Burning Temples: A Re-examination of Anti-Buddhist Violence and Harassment in South Korea
Uploaded'God being, not in the bush': The Nundah Mission (Qld) and Colonialism
Uploaded"Regret" - Contemporary Sri Lankan Sanskrit Poetry: Pascattapah by Davuldena Jnanesvara
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