“2ef4de35878cbf69b6eb11c615c27eb4” in “About the Authors”
James R. Lewis is Professor of Philosophy in the School of Philosophy at Wuhan University. He is well-published in the field of new religious movements. His publications and edited volumes include The Oxford Handbook of New Religious Movements, Controversial New Religions (with Jesper Petersen), Scientology, Children of Jesus and Mary (with Nicholas Levine), Textbook Violence (Equinox, 2017), Textbook Gods (Equinox, 2012) and Sects & Stats: Overturning the Conventional Wisdom about Cult Members (Equinox, 2014)
Huang Chao is an associate professor in the School of Philosophy at Wuhan University and Executive Director of Research Center for International New Religions and Cults at Wuhan University.
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