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Waldman/Prophecy and Power, 1. Opening a Black Box
How to Cite:
Waldman, Marilyn . Opening a Black Box: Rethinking the Comparative Study of Prophecy. Prophecy and Power: Muhammad and the Qur'an in Light of Comparison - Muhammad and the Qur’an in the Light of Comparison. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 7-46 Aug 2012. ISBN 9781781790304.
Full description
The author surveys the scholarly literature, identifying at least five overlapping strategies that mark current approaches to prophecy. She goes on to argue that the design of the present study combines the strengths and resists the limitations of these five strategies. She also states her intention to integrate material about what we mean by prophecy with Islamic examples and explains the basis for this methodology.
- typeImage
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- file formatjpeg
- file size91 KB
- container titleProphecy and Power: Muhammad and the Qur'an in the Light of Comparison
- creatorMarilyn Robinson Waldman
- isbn9781845532420 (eBook)
- publisherEquinox Publishing Ltd.
- publisher placeSheffield, United Kingdom
- rightsEquinox Publishing Ltd.
- series titleComparative Islamic Studies
- doi
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