Ifergan/Discerning Clear, 2.The Sense of I-am-ness Asmitā

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How to Cite: Ifergan, Gidi. The Sense of I-am-ness Asmitā. The Discerning Clear Gaze of Yoga. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 33-63 Dec 2024. ISBN 9781800504851.

Full description

In the second chapter, The Sense of I-am-ness Asmitā, I explore one of the two principal entities to which the discerning and clear gaze (viveka-khyāti) is directed, referring to the Yogasūtra and to the seminal text on Sāṁkhya philosophy, the Sāṁkhyakārikā, written by Iśvarakṛṣṇa (450–350 CE). This exploration looks into the “formation” of the sense of I-am-ness (the phenomenal self), how it evolves within the tangled and confusing relationships of the world of phenomena (prakṛti) and the true Self (puruṣa), becoming a solid cause of distress within the psychological framework of yoga. Such a description differs from classical New Age or psychological conceptions, such as Freud’s understanding of the ego, which tend to equate their understanding of the ego with the yogic sense of I-am-ness. Drawing on Trungpa and Levinas, I then explore the meaning and possible implications of giving up or surrendering the sense of I-am-ness. Finally, I present a concise discussion of the ways in which, ironically, Western modern culture influences, shapes and affects the modern yogi’s sense of I-am-ness or ego.

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  • file format
  • file size
    821 KB
  • container title
    The Discerning Clear Gaze of Yoga
  • creator
    Gidi Ifergan
  • isbn
    9781800504868 (eBook)
  • publisher
    Equinox Publishing Ltd., 2024
  • publisher place
    Sheffield, United Kingdom
  • rights holder
    Equinox Publishing Ltd.