Dickman/Interpretation, Conclusion. What Lies Beyond Interpretation?

Full description
In the Conclusion, What Lies beyond Interpretation?, I conclude this critical primer by investigating and proposing roles for interpretation in the academic study of religions. There have been numerous attempts in Religious Studies to negotiate the proper place of philosophy in the intrinsic interdisciplinarity of the field. Can philosophy contribute to the evaluation and assessment of first order religious discourse as well as second order Religious Studies criticism? I end by reiterating rigorous limits of understanding and interpretation, keeping clear that everything is not and cannot be treated as a text. Although we might desire to smear meaning and understanding across everything conceivable, the end goal here is to restrain our desire for absolute understanding.
- typeImage
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- file formatjpg
- file size780 KB
- container titleInterpretation: A Critical Primer
- creatorNathan Eric Dickman
- isbn9781800503380 (eBook)
- publisherEquinox Publishing Ltd.
- publisher placeSheffield, United Kingdom
- rightsEquinox Publishing Ltd.
- series titleConcepts in the Study of Religion
- doi
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