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Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology: Ancient World
11 resources. Showing results 1 through 10.
Uploaded UploadedTwo Knights and a Goddess: Sir Arthur Evans, Sir James George Frazer, and the Invention of Minoan Religion
UploadedHomeric Reciprocities
UploadedThe Archaeology of Cult and the Chalcolithic Sanctuary at Gilat
UploadedDisarming the Snake Goddess A Reconsideration of the Faience Figurines from the Temple Repositories at Knossos
UploadedFeasting the Community: Ritual and Power on the Sicilian Acropoleis (10th– 6th centuries bc)
UploadedCommunity, Polity, and Temple in a Middle Bronze Age Levantine Village
UploadedInventing the Minoans: Archaeology, Modernity and the Quest for European Identity
UploadedSociety and Archaeological Sites in Interwar Greece
UploadedThe Extended Life Course in Ancient Athens: Material Culture as Evidence for Children’s Identities Beyond Embodied Existence
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