Einboden/Qur'an and Kerygma, 5.“By Origin and Language an Hebrew”
Full description
Distinct from The Qur’ān & Kerygma’s previous treatments of Christian readings and renditions, Chapter 5 addresses al-Qōrān ō ha-Miqrā – the ground-breaking Hebrew rendition of the Muslim scripture, published by Hermann Reckendorf in 1857. A Judaic translation produced for Jewish readers, al-Qōrān ō ha-Miqrā yet emerges in Chapter 5 as intersecting broad trends of 19th-century European exegesis, both reflecting and resisting the hermeneutic priorities of contemporary Christendom. Triangulating the three Abrahamic traditions, Reckendorf’s rendition extends The Qur’ān & Kerygma’s complex trajectory of inter-scriptural exchange, generating fresh biblical readings through Qur’ānic translation, with Judaic idioms and identities from both the Tanakh and the New Testament assuming new significance in the Hebrew sūras of Reckendorf’s al-Qōrān.
- typeImage
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- file formatjpeg
- file size70 KB
- container titleThe Qur'an and Kerygma: Biblical Receptions of the Muslim Scripture across a Millennium
- creatorJeffrey Einboden
- isbn9781781798157 (eBook)
- publisherEquinox Publishing Ltd.
- publisher placeSheffield, United Kingdom
- rightsEquinox Publishing Ltd.
- series titleThemes in Qur'anic Studies
- doi
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