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Teaching Religion/Pedagogy
85 resources. Showing results 1 through 10.
Uploaded UploadedAntes/Contemporary Views, 20. “RS-Based RE”
UploadedA Loaf for Learning: Teaching the Study of Religion with Food
UploadedDorrough Smith/Hijacked, 17. What Teaching New Religions Tells Us about the Discourse on ‘Good’ and ‘Bad’ Religion
UploadedDorrough Smith/Hijacked, 18. Unintentionally Constructing ‘Good’ and ‘Bad’ Religions
UploadedBerglund/European Perspectives, 1. ‘Islamic’ Education between State and Community
UploadedMessing Around with Introductory Religion Courses in Canada
UploadedAntes/Contemporary Views, 19. Normative Rationality and the Future Prospects of Religion Education
UploadedAndreassen & Lewis/Textbook Gods, 6. Representations of Indigenous Australian Religions
UploadedNever the ‘Twain Shall Meet: Disorienting East and West in Teaching and Scholarship
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