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Ancient Levant
117 resources. Showing results 1 through 10.
Uploaded UploadedStordalen/Levantine, 2. Cultural Production in the Iron Age Southern Levant
UploadedStordalen/Levantine, 16. Itinerancy in Manichaean Networks of the Levant and Egypt
UploadedStordalen/Levantine, Introduction. A New Format for Writing the History of the Levant
UploadedStordalen/Levantine, 1. The Region of the Levant and the Importance of the Local Perspective
UploadedShafer-Elliott et al./Hunt for Ancient Israel, 12. Keys to the Past?
UploadedStordalen/Levantine, 18. Honor, Shame and Hospitality
UploadedNeeley et al./Walking through Jordan, 4. Industrial Furnishings at Khirbet al-‐Mudayna ath-Thamad
UploadedStordalen/Levantine, 11. The Production of Authority in Levantine Scriptural Ecologies
UploadedStordalen/Levantine, 4. Local Power and Social Discourse
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