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Books & Texts as Iconic and Ritual Instruments
64 resources. Showing results 1 through 10.
Uploaded UploadedWatts/Iconic Books, 12. Iconic Books from Below
UploadedWatts/Iconic Books, 5. Images to be Read and Words to be Seen
UploadedWatts/Iconic Books, 13. Be-Witching Scripture
UploadedWatts/Iconic Books, 4. The Iconic Book
UploadedWatts/Iconic Books, 9. The Tell-Tale Iconic Book
UploadedWatts/Iconic Books, 11. The End of the Word as We Know It
UploadedWatts/Iconic Books, 20. The Gospels as Imperialized Sites of Memory
UploadedWatts/Iconic Books, 21. Possessing the Iconic Book
UploadedWatts/How and Why Books Matter, 2. Iconic Books and Texts
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