Olsson/Contemporary Puritan, 1. Introduction
Full description
Contemporary Salafism is a multifaceted global phenomenon that seems to be growing among minority Muslims. Among Muslims living as minorities there are different strategies to preserve a Muslim identity. This relates to the question posed by many Muslims regarding how to live as a believing and practicing Muslim in rather secularized surroundings. Salafism has recently emerged as a framework from which many contemporary Muslims in Europe draw inspiration and regard as correct or authentic Islam, and it affects how many Muslims view issues of segregation and integration into majority society. This introductory chapter lays the groundwork for the case study explored in the rest of the volume.
- typeImage
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- file formatjpeg
- file size39 KB
- container titleContemporary Puritan Salafism: A Swedish Case Study
- creatorSusanne Olsson
- isbn9781781794289 (eBook)
- publisherEquinox Publishing Ltd.
- publisher placeSheffield, United Kingdom
- rightsEquinox Publishing Ltd.
- series titleComparative Islamic Studies
- doi
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