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Journal for the Academic Study of Religion: Islamic Studies Collection
All abstracts pertaining to Islamic studies topics published by JASR and updated upon publication.
40 resources. Showing results 1 through 10.
Uploaded UploadedRevolutionary Islam in Iran
UploadedWhat Might an Islamist Gender Discourse Look Like?
Uploaded‘I didn’t know if it was illegal for her to talk about my religion in a job interview’: Young Muslim Women’s Experiences of Religious Racism in Australia
UploadedHijab in an Age of Fear: Security, Secularism, and Human Rights
UploadedZulaykha: Temptress or True Love
UploadedMuslim Discourses in Canada and Quebec
UploadedInterpreting Religion: The Case of Jihad
UploadedReligion, Migration and Social Change: Christian-Muslim Differentials
UploadedTablighi Jama'at and the 'Remaking' of the Muslim
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