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Journal of Cognitive Historiography: Christianity
7 resources. Showing results 1 through 7.
Uploaded UploadedSame, Same, But Different? A Cognitive Analysis of an Early Christian Apotropaic Amulet
UploadedWriting as Thinking in Paul’s Letters: Neurological and Cognitive Approaches to Understanding the Conceptual Differences of Paul and His Audience
UploadedShadows in the New Testament: Cognitive Approaches to Early Christian Literature
UploadedMemory and Early Monastic Literary Practices: A Cognitive Perspective
Uploaded“Magical thinking” and the Emergence of New Social Movements: Cognitive Aspects of Reformation Era Debates over Ritual Efficacy
UploadedThe Besieged Mind: Demonically-Induced Obsession in Late Antique Monastic Psychology
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