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9 resources. Showing results 1 through 9.
Uploaded UploadedTehat the Weaver: Women’s Experience in Manichaeism in Fourth-century Roman Kellis
UploadedBuddhism and Manichaeism: The Stages of an Enquiry
UploadedReeves/Prolegomena, 1. Introduction
UploadedReeves/Prolegomena, 3. Fragments of Manichaean Scripture
UploadedStordalen/Levantine, 16. Itinerancy in Manichaean Networks of the Levant and Egypt
UploadedReeves/Prolegomena, 2. Biographical Testimonia about Mani
UploadedReeves/Prolegomena, 4. Testimonia about Manichaean Teachings
UploadedThe Life of the Saint and the Animal: Asian Religious Influence in the Medieval Christian West
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