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Norse Paganism (Asatru, Heathenry, Odinism)
19 resources. Showing results 1 through 10.
Uploaded UploadedHeathens up North: Politics, Polemics and Contemporary Norse Paganism in Norway
UploadedCalico/Being Viking, 8. Asatru as Magical Religion
UploadedPutting the Blood Back into Blót: The Revival of Animal Sacrifice in Modern Nordic Paganism
UploadedHashtag Heathens Contemporary Germanic Pagan Feminine Visuals on Instagram
UploadedRunes on the Horn, Leeks in the Ale: Literacy and its Consequences in Early Germanic Drinking Conventions
UploadedAn Atypical Base-community: Research Findings and Corrected Perspectives for the Icelandic Ásatrúarfélagið
UploadedThe Birth of Counterjihadist Terrorism: Reflections on some Unspoken Dimensions of 22/7
UploadedCalico/Being Viking, Introduction
UploadedOld Norse Women’s Use of Sacred Textures in Crisis Situations
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