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Pomegranate: Ancient
9 resources. Showing results 1 through 9.
Uploaded UploadedFallen Soldiers and the Gods: Religious Considerations in the Retrieval and Burial of the War Dead in Classical Greece
UploadedOrientalism in Iamblichus' The Mysteries
UploadedThe Transvaluation of “Soul” and “Spirit”: Platonism and Paulism in H.P. Blavatsky’s Isis Unveiled1
UploadedThe Prevailing Circumstances: The Pagan Philosophers of Athens in a Time of Stress
UploadedPolycentric Polytheism and the Philosophy of Religion
UploadedRe-crafting the Past: The Complex Relationship between Myth and Ritual in the Contemporary Pagan Reshaping of Eleusis
UploadedThe Theological Interpretation of Myth
UploadedThe Emergence of the Goddess Mary from Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages
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