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This journal is included in the Complete and New Religious Movements, Contemporary Paganisms & Western Esotericism Collections. Subscribers can access the the full text article through the article DOI on each abstract page
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178 resources. Showing results 1 through 10.
Uploaded UploadedBirds, Liminality, and Human Transformation: An Animist Perspective on New Animism
UploadedThe Cult of Afro-Brazilian and Indigenous Gods in Brazilian Wicca: Symbols and Practices
UploadedElements of Magic, Esotericism, and Religion in Shaktism and Tantrism in Light of the Shakti Pitha Kāmākhyā
UploadedExpanding Religious Studies: The Obsolescence of the Sacred/Secular Framework for Pagan, Earthen and Indigenous Religion
UploadedDebating the Witch in the South African Context: Issues Arising from the Sapc Conference 2007
UploadedSantería Sacrificial Rituals: A Reconsideration of Religious Violence
UploadedGoddess Spirituality and Nature in Aotearoa New Zealand
UploadedExpanding Religious Studies: The Obsolences of the Sacred/Secular Framework for Pagan, Earthen, and Indigenous Religion. Part 2: Rethinking the Concept of ‘Religion’ and ‘Maturi’ as a New Scheme
UploadedMasks of Cernunnos: Variations on the Theme of the Face of Cernunnos on the Pillar of the Boatmen
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