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80 resources. Showing results 1 through 10.
Uploaded UploadedSound of Sama: The Use of Poetical Imagery in South Asian Sufi Music
UploadedJoy/Explorations, 8. The Reconstruction of Muslim Women’s Property Rights
UploadedProducing the Conjugal Patriarchal Family in Maulana Thanvi’s Heavenly Ornaments: Biopolotics, ‘Shariatic Modernity’ and Managing Women
UploadedKhalafallah/al-Ghazali Enigma, 3. Elusive Texts
UploadedHughes/Muslim Identities, 6. Legal Developments and the Gradual Emergence of Sunni Islam
UploadedSpace Law, Shari'a, and the Legal Place of a Scientific Enterprise: The Case for a Parallel Challenge of Sovereignty
UploadedKhalafallah/al-Ghazali Enigma, 2. The Texts
UploadedReligion and Freedom: Typology of an Iranian Discussion
UploadedKhalafallah/al-Ghazali Enigma, 1. Contexts
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