Journal of Contemporary Archaeology

Edited by:

Esther Breithoff (Birkbeck, University of London)
Alfredo González-Ruibal (Spanish National Research Council)
Rodney Harrison (UCL)
Trinidad Rico (Rutgers University)

Selected Articles​:​
AfroDiasporic & Indigenous Studies
Encounters & Identities
Jewish Studies
New Religious Movements, Paganisms & Western Esotericism
South & East Asia

The Journal of Contemporary Archaeology is the first dedicated, international, peer-reviewed journal to explore archaeology’s specific contribution to understanding the present and recent past. It is concerned both with archaeologies of the contemporary world, defined temporally as belonging to the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, as well as with reflections on the socio-political implications of doing archaeology in the contemporary world. In addition to its focus on archaeology, JCA encourages articles from a range of adjacent disciplines which consider recent and contemporary material-cultural entanglements, including anthropology, art history, cultural studies, design studies, heritage studies, history, human geography, media studies, museum studies, psychology, science and technology studies and sociology. Acknowledging the key place which photography and digital media have come to occupy within this emerging subfield, JCA includes a regular photo essay feature and provides space for the publication of interactive, web-only content on its website.

Emerging from a number of different quarters, this exciting and rapidly expanding field of research has for some time fallen uneasily between a range of other disciplines, research areas and journals. JCA acts as a dedicated international forum in which to establish the boundaries of this emerging sub-discipline, to develop new methods, concepts and approaches, and to collaborate on important future research agendas on archaeologies of the recent past and present.

Selected chapters from this journal are included in various collections as designed. Subscribers to these collections can access the full text of individual articles through links from the article abstracts. Additional material will be added as more articles are indexed and added to this site.


Journal Information


  • publisher
    Equinox Publishing Ltd.
  • publisher place
    Sheffield (U.K.)