Themes and Issues in Biblical Studies
edited by Diana V. Edelman (University of Oslo) & Philippe Guillaume (University of Berne)
To become involved as a contributor to an existing volume/project, please contact that volume's editor. To discuss a new project, please email the series editors at and
The edited volumes in this series are intended to complement traditional verse-by-verse commentaries and study bibles and introduce readers to the main themes and issues associated with the books forming the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament. The field of biblical studies has been in flux over the past half-century. The questions asked of the text are changing and with that, new theoretical frameworks are being applied to the texts that render some of the traditional methods and their underlying presuppositions unhelpful.
Consensus positions are being challenged as long-standing controversies are also being revisited in light of newer developments and evidence. Readers will gain insight into the current state of affairs relating to a specific book and the latest ideas being proposed, making the series the go-to source for cutting edge research.
The vetted articles in each volume will appear as e-publications as they are completed and will be available for purchase by individuals or libraries for adoption for classroom use before the hard copy containing the final collection of contributions is marketed. The series is intended for upper-level undergraduate students, graduate/post-graduate students, and biblical scholars.
Forthcoming in Series
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