
A Critical Primer

by Ann Taves, University of California Santa BarbaraEgil Asprem, University of California at Santa Barbara, (Volume Editors)

Forthcoming, 2027

The rise of the evolutionary and cognitive science of religion in the last two decades has sparked a resurgence of interest in explaining religion. Predictably, these efforts have prompted rehearsals of longstanding debates over definitions of religion (what is being explained) and whether religious phenomena can or should be explained in nonreligious terms. Little attention has been devoted to the nature of explanation, methods of explanation, or what should count as an adequate explanation. This book addresses a series of basic questions in relation to long-standing discussions in the philosophy of science about explanations, causality, and mechanisms: What is an explanation? What is the relation between interpretation, theory, and explanation? Is there a place for human intentions, meanings, and values in scientific explanations? In light of recent developments in the philosophy of science, the authors make a case for the value of explanations and suggest ways in which explanatory approaches can be tested in practice by means of computer modeling and experimental methods.

ISBN-13 (Hardback) 9781781796955
Price (Hardback) £60.00 / $80.00
ISBN-13 (Paperback) 9781781796962
Price (Paperback) £21.95 / $27.95
ISBN (eBook) 9781781796979
ISBN (ePub) forthcoming
Price (eBook) & ePub Individual £21.95 /$27.95
Publication 2027
Pages 180
Size 214 x 138mm
Readership students

Information and Interactive Edition

Author Information


Complete Collection
Theory & Method


  • publisher
    Equinox Publishing Ltd.
  • publisher place
    Sheffield (U.K.)
  • series title
    Concepts in the Study of Religion