Leadership, Social Memory and Judean Discourse in the 5th-2nd Centuries BCE

by Diana V. Edelman, University of Oslo Ehud Ben Zvi, University of Alberta (Volume Editors)

Biblical Studies
Complete Collection

The theme of leadership played an important role in ancient Israel and its discourse. It was explored time and again through memories of proper, improper and in-between leaders and through memories of particular institutions like monarchy, priesthood, and prophethood. The ways in which this theme was shaped, reflected and explored through social memory and how, in turn, those memories played a socializing role within the community is the focus of this collection of essays.

Although the nature and limitations of kingship, both native and foreign, is a central theme of many of the essays, the volume includes discussions of both official and unofficial local leadership within an empire setting, alternatives to royal leadership like theocracy, charismatic judgeship, and Greek-style tyrants, as well as considerations of Greek political discourse on the best type of leadership.

This book is included in the Biblical Studies and Complete Collections. Subscribers can access the eBook from the Read Online tab.


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