Researching Global Religious Landscapes
A Methodology between Universalism and Particularism
Complete Collection
Theory, Method & Special Topics Collection
Selected Chapters:
South & East Asia
How should researchers navigate in a global landscape of religious and secular worldviews? This volume contributes with an interdisciplinary perspective to the study of contemporary religion in a cross-cultural or global perspective. The chapters in the volume highlight quite different themes – from translation to sexuality and secularity, critically dismantling conceptions of e.g., the “sacred individual”, “Eastern religions” and multiple belongings. Yet, they are united in their search for signs that help us contest categorical cultural, religious, and secular boundaries, methodologically, theoretically, and epistemologically. The debate on universalism vs. particularism can simply not be put aside and hence the implications of this dichotomy needs to be further investigated.
The volume explores current challenges pertinent to cross-cultural research on religion in today’s world. It reflects important aspects of global cultural and religious diversity. All articles stem from the international research project “Young Adults and Religion in a Global Perspective”. The project implemented a mixed methods study in twelve different countries across the world. The chapters univocally stress the importance of using a sensitive analytical toolbox when investigating values and worldviews in an increasingly interconnected world. Nevertheless, such sensitivity needs to entail a capacity to move across boundaries and positions, giving voice to novel existential positions that do not fit within the traditional patterns of set religious and secular boundaries.
This book is included in the Complete and the Theory, Method & Special Topics Collections. Subscribers can access the eBook from the Read Online tab.
Selected chapters are included in other Collections as designated.
ISBN-13 (Hardback) 9781800503908
Price (Hardback) £75.00 / $100.00
ISBN-13 (Paperback) 9781800503915
Price (Paperback) £24.95 / $32.00
ISBN (eBook) 9781800503922
Price (eBook) Individual £24.95 / $32.00
Institutional £75.00 / $100.00
Publication 16/04/2024
Pages 268
Size 234 x 156mm
Readership scholars
Illustration 12 figures
Author Information
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Book Information
- This text has 0 annotations
- This text has 0 highlights
- isbn9781800503922 (eBook)
- publisherEquinox Publishing Ltd.
- publisher placeSheffield (U.K.)
- series titleThe Study of Religion in a Global Context
- doi
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