
by Rhiannon Graybill, University of RichmondPhilippe Guillaume, University of Berne, (Volume Editors)

Biblical Studies
Complete Collection

This volume will be first published online Chapters 2-6 published 2023. Chapters 7-9 published 2024. The complete electronic and print editions will follow. To view currently available chapters, see Abstracts.

The Book of Ruth is an all-time Bible favorite. In four chapters, it builds a clear plot with narrative tension heightened with sexual innuendos; and it ends well. Since the 1990s at least, studies produced an array of portrayals of the heroes of the tale beyond the traditional idyllic readings. Gaps and fissures have been explored to cover its ideological premises. Feminist readings denounce the way patriarchalism used the figures of Naomi, Ruth and Boaz to bolster its social hegemony. Ruth has been presented as a coquette, Naomi as a pimp or a scold, Ruth and Naomi as lesbians, Boaz as exploiter of the proletariat, unstraight, sugar Daddy or impotent.

The growing types of LGBTQ+ orientations might offer more characterizations still; and Veganism has yet to grind Ruth’s gleanings and Boaz’s bridal gift.

Yet, the time is ripe to steer a course between idyllic readings and critical ones. There is more to gender asymmetries and patriarchy than the devaluation of women. Women always have power. Neither Naomi or Ruth are powerless victims.

This volume maps an uncompromising way forward between patriarchy and advocacy.

This book is included in the Biblical Studies, Complete and Encounters & Identities Collections. Subscribers can access the eBook from the Read Online tab.
Selected chapters are included in other collections as designated.


Author Information

Book Information


  • publisher
    Equinox Publishing Ltd.
  • publisher place
    Sheffield (U.K.)
  • series title
    Themes and Issues in Biblical Studies