South & East Asia Textbooks

The South & East Asia Collection currently includes 8 textbooks and books on Jainism, Sikhism and Yoga are in preparation for the Religion in Five Minutes series. Most of these textbooks (with the exception of Exploring Shinto) are available not only as eBooks but also in interactive editions.

If you are an instructor who has adopted one of our interactive textbooks, and your institution has acquired the South & East Asia Collection, you can register as a moderator of a group and exploit the interactive features of this platform. Once authorized in this role, you will be able to create a private annotation group, invite students to join and manage group membership. When engaging with a text, your readers can associate their annotations with those groups of which they are a member. In addition, moderators can develop their own suite of resources from any of the material that is included in their institution's subscription. All you need to do is identify which chapters, whole books or journal articles that should be included and we will create a unique environment for your course. You can also import non-Equinox material (for which you have permission to do so), such as images, multimedia content, and so forth. Contact Sarah Lee ( to discuss.