Embodiment and Black Religion

Rethinking the Body in African American Religious Experience

by Center for Engaged Research and Collaborative Learning Writing Collective: Anthony B. Pinn, Jessica B. Davenport, Justine M. Bakker, V. Tinsley IV, Biko Mandela Gray, David A. Kline, O. Jeffries, Sharde’N. Chapman. Mark A. DeYoung (Rice University)

The volume expands current scholarship on African American religion and embodiment by going beyond an understanding of black religion as the “Black Church” and underscoring the variety of religious experiences, in both marginal religious traditions and in non-traditional forms of religion. The sustained and rigorous attention to theories of the body in this volume allows for a more robust understanding of what the body is and takes scholarship beyond the implicit understandings of the body as solely discursive. Finally, the approach is interdisciplinary. While grounded in Religious Studies, this book puts various theories and methodologies—from the social sciences to philosophy, and from visual studies to literary studies—in conversation with the religious experiences of African Americans.

ISBN-13 (Hardback) 9781781793459
Price (Hardback) £75.00 / $100.00
ISBN-13 (Paperback) 9781781793466
Price (Paperback) £24.95 / $29.95
ISBN (eBook) 9781781795873
Price (eBook) Individual £24.95 / $29.95
Institutional £75.00 / $100.00
Publication 20/10/2017
Pages 160
Size 234 x 156mm
Readership scholars


Author Information

Book Information


  • isbn
    9781781795873 (eBook)
    9781781793459 (Hardback)
    9781781793466 (Paperback)
  • publisher
    Equinox Publishing Ltd. (2017)
  • publisher place
    Sheffield (U.K.)
  • rights holder
    Equinox Publishing Ltd.
  • doi


AfroDiasporic & Indigenous Studies
Complete Collection
Theory & Method

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