Identity, Politics and the Study of Islam
Current Dilemmas in the Study of Religions
Complete Collection
Encounters & Identities: Religion in Private and Public Spheres
Islamic Studies Collection
Method, Theory and Special Topics Collection
This volume brings together a variety of scholars both inside and outside of Islamic Studies in order to grapple with such questions as: what, if anything, is unique about Islamic Studies? How should Islamic studies as religious studies engage with postcolonial critique? What is the role of identity politics in such endeavors? What are the lines between descriptive (hermeneutic) work and theoretical explanations of Islamic texts? What can scholars in related areas, such as the study of Judaism and early Christianity, offer to this conversation by way of analogy? Can ethical, political, or theological concerns function critically to help theorize Islam?
The volume is divided into four sections: Theory and Identity Politics in the Study of Islam, which looks at the role of identity, knowledge production, and political commitments among scholars of Islam; Critique and Identity in Qur’anic Studies, which deals with challenges in applying critical-historical methods to the study of the Qur’an and how these methods relate to some of the issues raised Omid Safi and Aaron Hughes; Comparative Views from Outside Islamic Studies, which provides a comparative view of how scholars have dealt with similar concerns in the study of Judaism and Christianity; and A Critical Appraisal, which offers a direct challenge to Safi and Hughes.
This book is included in the Complete, Encounters & Identities, Islamic Studies and the Method, Theory & Special Topics Collections. Subscribers can access the eBook from the Read Online tab.
ISBN-13 (Hardback) 9781781794883
Price (Hardback) £80.00 / $105.00
ISBN-13 (Paperback) 9781781794890
Price (Paperback) £26.00 / $34.00
ISBN (eBook) 9781781797136
Price (eBook) Individual £26.00 / $34.00
Institutional £80.00 / $105.00
Publication 03/09/2018
Pages 234
Size 216 x 140mm
Readership scholars
Book Information
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- This text has 0 annotations
- This text has 0 highlights
Author Information
- This text has 0 annotations
- This text has 0 highlights
- isbn9781781797136 (eBook)
- publisherEquinox Publishing Ltd.,2018
- publisher placeSheffield (U.K.)
- rights holderEquinox Publishing Ltd.
- series titleCulture on the Edge: Studies in Identity Formation
- doi
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