The Geography of Urbanism in Roman Asia Minor

by Rinse Willet, University of Leuven

Ancient Worlds
Complete Collection

The Geography of Urbanism in Roman Asia Minor investigates how Roman urbanism manifested itself in Asia Minor during the first three centuries CE, particularly with regard to urban spatial patterning over the landscape, the administrative, economic and cultural functions cities fulfilled, and how cities developed in terms of size and monumentality. It also addresses to what extent this was a result of political and socio-cultural and economic context and to what extent ‘structural determinants’, such as the physical topography, agricultural potential and climate (including the shifts/changes therein) influenced the observed patterns. As Asia Minor was already dotted by cities long before the Romans, this work compares urbanism of the first three centuries CE with the patterns of cities during the first millennium BCE (Classical and Hellenistic period particularly) and the Byzantine and Ottoman patterns, creating a long term perspective.

The book contains an appendix with the information for the 500 cities and 1000 villages in Asia Minor.

This book is included in the Ancient Worlds, Archaeology and Complete Collections. Subscribers can access the eBook/PDF from the Read Online tab.

ISBN-13 (Hardback) 9781781798430
Price (Hardback) £100.00 / $135.00
ISBN (eBook) 9781781798447
Price (eBook) Individual £100.00 / $135.00
Institutional £100.00 / $135.00
Publication 01/01/2020
Pages 418
Size 254 x 178mm
Readership scholars
Illustration 105 maps, graphs and photos, colour and black and white


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