Encounters & Identities: Religion in Private and Public Spheres

The Collection of journal articles draws on relevant material from all Equinox journals and and concentrates on topics related to prescriptions, proscriptions, identities, interreligious encounters, Interreligious theology, ethics, boundaries, religion and nature, insiders/outsiders, social justice.

Number of Articles:

This Collection is currently in production.


The collection is updated immediately upon publication by the originating journal.

Core Journals

Five core journals are included:

Interreligious Studies and Intercultural Theology

Journal for the Academic Study of Religion

Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature & Culture


Religious Studies and Theology

Optional Subscription: Institutions may add a subscription to Health & Social Care Chaplaincy at the Collection discount.

Supplementary Journals

Selected articles from other Equinox journals are also part of the Collection as designated as is the complete backrun of Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism.